Exam ResultsGCSE & GCE Examination Results 2023
Results 2021 - 2022
Results for 2021 – 2022 GCSE and GCE Examination Results 2022 Student Performance 2020
Key Stage 4 Desborough College are delighted with the results achieved by the students this year. Despite all the uncertainty created by Covid-19, they have risen to the challenge and been rewarded for their hard work through the grades given to them today. 73% of year 11 achieved grades of 9-4 and 80% achieved a standard pass in both Maths and English. Our key focus during lock down, and again once school started to reopen, has been the well-being of both staff and students. We are so proud of the way the boys have supported each other and stayed in touch with their tutors and teachers and so been kept informed of all the twists and turns that have happened this summer. We are relieved that the decision to use CAGs was made before results day as this enabled us to write to parents and pupils to explain the process and reassure them of the rigorous way in which we came up with their grades. We stand firm in our belief that this is the fairest way of awarding grades this year and are pleased that all our GCSE students have been able to move on to the destinations they wanted and that we have already made firm offers our year 11 cohort who applied to our Sixth Form, who will hopefully stay on with us and start A level or BTEC courses in September. Key Stage 5 A-Level results day remains a day of celebration at Desborough College, as we acknowledge our students’ exceptional achievements, as well as all their efforts over the last two years. Against a backdrop of uncertainty and unfamiliarity, our students are well prepared for the next stage in their journey, and are leaving with an outstanding set of qualifications. Over a quarter of the grades awarded to our students today are A or A*, with over half achieving a B or higher. Desborough’s students have maintained their 100% pass rate, with particularly strong performances in: Art & Design, Drama, Maths, Further Maths, History and Economics. Achievements of particular note include Tom Hodgson who achieved A*AAA and will embark upon a degree apprenticeship in Engineering with AWE, Poppy Jackson who achieved A*AB and will read History at Royal Holloway, University of London and Kai McCann who achieved AAA and will study Medicine at Keele University. We wish all our students every success |