CareersCareers education helps young people develop the knowledge and skills they need to make successful choices about their future, manage transitions in learning and move into employment. Increasingly the aim is to raise the aspirations of students and allow them to find out about a wide range of jobs.
The careers programme at Desborough is well supported by our local business community, visiting alumni and a wide range of education and training providers. Careers Link Governor: Emma O’Connor At the forefront the Careers programme at Desborough College is the implementation of the eight Gatsby benchmarks of Good Career Guidance: 1.A stable careers programme A comprehensive careers programme has been designed to develop skills from general awareness in Year 7 through to research and support for applications to Higher and Further education in Years 11 and 13 2. Learning from career and labour market information Weekly MyPath videos are shown in form, chosen due their match with LMI for Berkshire. LMI is available on the website for parents & students to access. It is shared with staff during CPD to enable them to highlight parts of their curriculum that meet the needs of the local labour market 3. Addressing the need of each pupil The school subscribes to Unifrog to enable every student to track their careers journey. This starts with personality & interests profiling in Yr7 and goes on to link the results to possible careers and education paths of interest. Students with SEN, PP or who are at risk of NEET will be prioritised for careers interviews. 4. Linking curriculum learning to careers Over the academic year 22/23, departments have been challenged to log any careers/skills interactions that are made in order to log the extent of careers in the curriculum 5.Encounters with employers and employees Employers are invited in to speak in assembly to the KS4 cohort as part of the Desborough Futures Speakers programme. Year 12 students attend mock interviews run by the local Rotary club. We also have ex-students who come back to share their stories with KS5 students 6.Experience of workplaces WEX is offered to Year 10 & 12 students. 7. Encounters with further and higher education Local sixth form colleges are invited in to present to Year 10 students, with the Baker clause clearly displayed on the website. A trip to an apprenticeship/FE fair is organised for Yr11 & 12 students in the spring term 8.Personal guidance Independent careers interviews are being arranged for students in Year 10 & 12 for this current academic year Our aim at Desborough is to inspire future leaders who will thrive in a changing world. We want Desborough pupils to aim high in their expectations, to raise their aspirations, promote equality of opportunity, celebrate diversity, challenge stereotypes and prepare for their future careers. [Desborough College Careers Programme] Key Stage 3
The aim of our careers programme in Key Stage 3 is to provide students with a comprehensive introduction to the world of work. We encourage pupils to start to think about their strengths and how these may influence their future career choices. Our programme is supported by visits from the University of Reading and the UK’s biggest employer – the NHS. Students will also begin to learn about the value of their STEM related subjects and how the skills they develop can be useful in the workplace; this element of our programme is supported primarily by Mace. Careers Programme in Key Stage 3 The impact of our careers programme is routinely measured and assessed using student, parent, staff, and provider surveys. The results, where relevant, will be reflected in our careers programme for the following academic year. Date of next review: July 2021 Key Stage 4
During this key stage we begin to sharpen the focus on post-school activity, including the logistics of getting a job; interviews, personal statements and CVs. Our students are supported to plan for their post-16 destinations, as well as take part in a period of work experience or work shadowing in Year 10. Our students will hear from a range of employers including the Armed Forces and Police Service, as well as the government’s national apprenticeship service (ASK). We will also invite local colleges and further education providers to speak with our students, as well as continued visits from local universities. We will also begin to promote the National Citizenship Service, a voluntary personal and social development programme for 16-17 year olds. Careers Programme in Key Stage 4 The impact of our careers programme is routinely measured and assessed using student, parent, staff, and provider surveys. The results, where relevant, will be reflected in our careers programme for the following academic year. Date of next review: July 2021 Key Stage 5
For students who return to our Sixth Form, our careers programme is designed to support the wide range of aspirations our students will have. For most students, this will be preparing for university, including Oxbridge, and for others it may be apprenticeships or employment. Regardless of the intended destination, all our students are equally supported and well equipped to continue to thrive long after they have left us. Making an impact in the workplace consists of much more today than simply getting the paperwork right – and mock interviews, an online presence and lifelong learning, are important too. In Key Stage 5 we prioritise the ‘soft skills’ employers are looking for, and our Year 13 students undertake a course of Professional Studies alongside their studies. All students also undertake work experience while in the Sixth Form Careers Programme in our Sixth Form The impact of our careers programme is routinely measured and assessed using student, parent, staff, and provider surveys. The results, where relevant, will be reflected in our careers programme for the following academic year. Date of next review: July 2021 Provider Access Policy Statement
At Desborough College, all students are entitled to find out about technical education qualifications and apprenticeships opportunities. Pupils are entitled to hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships – through options events, assemblies and group discussions and taster events, and to understand how to make applications for the full range of academic and technical courses. The school makes the main hall, library, classrooms or interview rooms available for discussions between training organisations and pupils, as appropriate to the activity, including AV and other specialist equipment to support provider presentations. This will all be discussed and agreed in advance of the visit with the Careers Lead or Careers Mentor, together with any safeguarding requirements (see Safeguarding Policy). A request may be refused if deemed not in the best interest of our pupils. In this case, the Careers Lead will provide a justified reason to explain why and offer alternatives where possible. Please contact the Careers Lead for more information. Careers Letters and Newsletters
Desborough Futures 3 Careers Week letter National Careers Week Activities 1-6 March 2021 Heathrow Engineering Apprenticeship Heathrow Engineering Apprenticeship further information Further Education Open Days & Events – Yr11 Introducing our Careers Mentor YourGamePlan Desborough Futures Nov 2020 Desborough Futures 2 CareerMag for ParentsFinding high-quality career advice and guidance can often be stressful, not only for pupils but also for parents, carers or guardians.
The latest issue of Careermag (aimed at Parents) enables parents and pupils to sit down together and look at all the qualification / career routes available. Read the latest issue of Careermag >>> Unifrog |