AdmissionsYr 7 Admissions
All parents who are interested in applying to the school need to name it on the application form they can obtain from the Local Authority where they live. This document is referred to as the Common Application Form and is issued to your child in September. Please take advice from the staff in your Local Authority as the system of admission is complex.
If Desborough College is over-subscribed, the local authority will use the over-subscription criteria to offer places. These are explained in the Admissions to Secondary School Booklet available to all parents and carers. Our Local Authority uses the school’s designated area as an important criterion in deciding how to offer places and this issue is explained in the ‘Guide to Secondary Schools’ that is issued annually. It is important that no application forms are returned to Desborough College. They need to be returned to the Local Authority where you reside. Any parent expressing an interest in applying to the school is offered the opportunity of a visit. This is in addition to the Open Evening and the arranged tours of the school, which take place during the following week. The admissions limit for Yr 7 in September is 189. Admissions arrangements 2024 – 25 Admissions arrangements 2025 – 26 Admissions arrangements 2026 – 27 Any parents requiring additional information with regard to admissions are advised to contact the Education Department at the Royal Borough on 01628 796782. In-Year Transfers In-Year Transfer Application Form This application is for children wishing to apply for a transfer to Desborough College. Please ensure you read the Guide to In-Year Admissions before completing this application form. This guide is published online at In Year Transfer Form |