CurriculumOur Curriculum and Extra Curricular Offer aims to provide our students with opportunities to enjoy school: to compete against their own targets and the abilities of other students; and to achieve their aspirations.
CURRICULUM ETHOS Desborough College endeavours, through our broad, interesting, balanced, relevant, and differentiated curriculum, to realise every boy’s potential to enable him to take his place as a kind, positive, grateful, respectful, collaborative, proud, courageous, humble and leading citizen of the world.
The breadth and effectiveness of our curriculum is also supported through our partnerships with Radley College, Newlands Girls School and the International Boys School Coalition. CURRICULUM OVERVIEW Our overall curriculum from from Year 7 to Year 11 is viewed as one entity and students develop the knowledge and skills throughout this period to enable them to achieve the highest standards in their GCSE’s and other accredited qualifications.
In Years 7-8 the curriculum is delivered through English, Maths, Science, ICT and Computing, Technology, Humanities (History and Geography), PE, Modern Foreign Languages (French and German), Mandarin, Creative and Expressive Arts (Art, Drama, Music), Personal Health and Social Education, and Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance. The assembly and PSHE programme provides social, moral, spiritual and cultural enrichment and promotes key British values of democracy, tolerance, the rule of law and individual liberty. Safety, emotional and physical health, economic well-being, personal development, careers, globalization, interdependence, independence and sustainability are all part of our extended curriculum. Our morning tutorial time is used to deliver our assembly and PSHE programme; literacy, numeracy and critical thinking skills; and also The Stag Award programme, which focuses on character development, emotional resilience and mental well-being. GCSE OPTION CHOICES Together with the core subjects of English, Maths and at least double award Science, students make four optional GCSE choices in Year 8 and have the additional opportunity to study Business Studies alongside the subjects already studied from Year 7.
SETTING, CLASS SIZES & TEACHING HOURS Desborough College is committed to providing the best classroom experience to enable every boy to reach their potential. This varies across different year groups where different subjects are blocked together. Each GCSE optional subject receives 5 hours per fortnight. English receives 9 hours to reflect the added demand of English Literature; Maths receives 9 hours to reflect the pursuance of Statistics as an additional qualification as appropriate; Science receives 10 hours for Double Award Science and 15 hours for Triple (separate) Science; practical PE remains part of the core offer with one lesson a week from Year 9. POST-16 (KS5) OPTIONS Post 16 options are predominantly A Level, with a small range of BTEC courses. Each learner chooses three qualifications to follow throughout Year 12 and Year 13, with limited AS Levels taken at the end of Year 12. Students receive guidance and support in their post 16 choices to reflect their abilities and aspirations. There are a wide range of extra-curricular clubs, lectures, activities and excursions throughout all year groups to enable students to pursue their sporting, linguistic, academic, artistic, creative and musical talents. |