Personal, Social & Health EducationMs R Ellis | PSHE Lead
Desborough is a diverse community and our PSHE curriculum reflects different cultures and beliefs. Our teaching is built around the central theme of the Desborough way; student character development.
Introduction Desborough College provides an innovative, bespoke and comprehensive PSHE programme from Year 7-13. The programme sequences knowledge over time, spiralling, re-visiting and building upon knowledge from the three main themes across Key Stage 3 and 4. These themes are:-
In Key stage 5, the curriculum builds on these themes but is more needs led, focusing on transitions to the next steps. The programme has been uniquely designed to be relevant to our context, ensuring that it is relevant to our boys and their lives inside and outside the school gate and relevant to the local area. The programme covers all of the new statutory elements that we are legally required to deliver from September 2020. A new SRE and PSHE policy underpins all of this and parents will be notified of the new curriculum and content. The programme meets the spiritual, moral, social and cultural aspects of students as it is complemented by a wider whole school approach by way of assembly themes. Curriculum Intent Our knowledge-rich curriculum will inspire students to become well-rounded individuals who can develop into great men by playing a positive and successful role in society. Our intention is to provide our students with the tools they need to navigate the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up in the community, Modern Britain and the Global community. They will develop an understanding of how our personal and social development forms our sense of identity and place in the world, and through studying a range of moral and social issues will become more empathetic and open-minded young men and women. Our teaching will ensure students are able to consider a range of perspectives on relationships, both personal and sexual and develop the ability to make balanced arguments and well sustained judgements and decisions. The curriculum will be driven by a focus on a bespoke curriculum for male students which focuses on how boys and men can navigate developing masculinity and how this informs positive mental health, sexual health and healthy relationships. The curriculum will underpin the Desborough Way. Moreover, our pupils are encouraged to develop their sense of self-worth by playing a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community. We challenge all of our pupils to look for opportunities to demonstrate the Desborough Way and to seek leadership opportunities within the school gates and their local community. PSHE and RSE Curriculum Overview 2021-22 Relationships & Sex Education Policy 2021-22 PSHE Spotlight 1 PSHE Spotlight 2 Useful Links |